The pain decreasing effects of TENS
An extensive electrotherapy literature search
An extensive electrotherapy literature search revealed a stunning and remarkable conclusion for TENS currents. Cardiologist Dr Graciele Sbruzzi investigated the pain decreasing effects of TENS currents after a sternotomy. One of her very interesting conclusions was: In the sternotomy it also provides more effective pain relief compared to pharmacological analgesia alone. Taken from: Sbruzzi G, Silveira SA, Silva DV, Coronel CC, Plentz RD. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation after thoracic surgery: systematic review and meta-analysis of 11 randomized trials. Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc. 2012 Jan-Mar;27(1):75-87.
This conclusion opens up new paths and lines of thinking for the use of TENS currents and is a welcome addition to the scientific basis for the use of these currents.
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