gymna.PRO Q6 i-Control - Accessories
You can buy the products below as accessories with your product gymna.PRO Q6 i-Control.

Stools and cushions

Bolster - Ø 15 cm

Bolster - Ø 10 cm

Cover head and stomach cushion

Cover large knee roll

Cover small knee roll

Crescent-shaped cushion 85 x 40 x 50 cm

Face cushion

Head and stomach cushion 40 x 30 x 10 cm

Knee roll - large

Knee roll - small

Cushion cube-psoas 56 x 43 x 28 cm

Supporting cushion pad - small 20 x 15 x 10/3 cm

Foot end protector for Gymna treatment tables

Elastic strap with clip fitting